Traditional headhunting

AYC Partners is classified as a “boutique firm” because we intentionally limit our client base and manage executive search projects only for senior level or top positions.
Executive search (direct search) is both a methodology, a process driven hard work but nowadays also an art. What distinguishes AYC Partners from other search firms is the personality our consultants possess regarding the process driven but also intuitive side of recruiting.

Every partner and consultant by AYC Partners has been successful in other businesses earlier (fields of HR, marketing, sales or management). Through these experiences, they get the knowledge that allows them to assess organizational cultures and chemistry in linking talented individuals to senior-level positions. The style that enables them to represent your organization positively in the marketplace and to attract the top talent you seek.

AYC Partners is a multi-specialty firm with experience working across diverse industries ranging from venture capital start-ups to Fortune 100 companies and recruits within numerous functional disciplines: General Management (CEO, President, COO), Finance/Accounting, Human Resources, Sales, Marketing, and Information Systems, among others.

Why do you use executive search firm?

  • Delivers results
    An executive search firm is the most reliable way for a hiring entity to secure the right combination of leadership ability, managerial competence, technical skills and cultural compatibility in a senior-level professional.
  • Hidden candidate market
    An executive search firm will proactively seek out executives who are satisfied in their current positions and who are not actively looking for a new position.
  • Extension of in-house recruiting resources
    It relieves the burden on your human resources department and provides special expertise that might not be available internally.
  • Your competitors
    An executive search firm can explore all possible candidates within a client’s industry, especially those who might be working for competitors.
  • Confidentiality
    Using an executive search firm provides confidentiality for the client if the organization does not wish its identity to be revealed.
  • Due diligence
    Executive search firms have the resources to provide complete and thorough background verifications and references, including educational, credit and criminal histories.

AYC Partners searching methods

If one of our Clients is looking for a unique mixture of characteristics and skills for a particular position, the AYC Partners are well equipped to identify possible candidates, via the resources of its research department. Through original research, a search firm serves as a strategic weapon rather than shuffling an overused database of stale prospects.

During our engagements we employ a very strict process and our experiences, if we are able to go through these steps the success is coming.

  1. match client requirements, understand the problems and position specifications
  2. profile broad candidate pool
  3. identify and interview top prospects
  4. conduct in-depth interviews and reference-checks
  5. arrange personal meetings with client and present a full progress report about the search

During each phase of the process we are in regular communication with clients providing updates and soliciting feedback. Top prospect profiles and relevant supporting material is delivered in a brief summary report every other week during the research and acquisition phase (or according to the client’s unique preference). We strive to present three qualified candidates for personal client interviews within 4-6 weeks of starting the engagement.

The best way to assure success means understanding not only the needs but also the problems of our clients.